abduction abeoden ability about affinities affinity alchemical alliance alloy alloys allyv alras amalgamate ameshin android arachne arba arthropod asmoden astir attribute attributes aves avian axiomatic bacteria bacterial base basic battered biome bird blade blood body bonus broken cambion campaigns character check chimeric chronicle clubs cog colony commonality compromise core cost court creation crimson crown crustacean cry cubi damage dark delete-this-page demand dense density diamonds die dire discarded domain dominion dormant draconis dragon dragon-kin ductile ductility durability dymocanto earth eclipse effect effects elan elementine empress essence ethnicity evaluation exile expansion experience eyes farewell fate favor felinae fervent fey first foundation frigsolum frostblood frostwitch galanus gargoyle gene genetic gitwerg glens glossary glurahn gnomes goblins grave greenwitch greenwitches gremlin gremlins guardian hamsagi hand hands hardness haunting hearth hearts hidden high hirudae hourglass human humanity humans impetus incubus infection infections infernal infusion infusions item items jahneer jaltho jerith joined kaelran kardas kenthri kestrel keys kin kush kushmall kushmalles labspawn level leveling license licensing list listing listings livestream logo loom lost low lucorene lunemire mab mad magazine march mars material materials matter mazek mechanic melody metal metalbond metallurgical metals methods midicubi mindful mireo mistleaf moon muckhaven mutation mutative naiad new numonsi nursery o oath ocean

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